Open letter to Commissioner-designate for Sustainable Transport and Tourism Apostolos Tzitzikostas

On 20 September the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) sent an open letter to nominated Commissioner-designate for Sustainable Transport and Tourism, Apostolos Tzitzikostas.

23 Sep 2024

The ETF expresses concerns over the role’s focus on boosting competitiveness in the sector, rather than the wellbeing of transport workers, their families, and communities.

Coupled with the lack of a Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, the low priority given to employment questions as part of the formation of the current Commission is extremely worrying for workers across Europe.

Considering the fact that low pay and poor working conditions are driving workers away from the transport and creating huge labour shortages, the lack of quality jobs is a fundamental threat to the future of the sector.

After all, without transport workers, there can be no transport.