ITF News Update

Karachi dockers win fight to save jobs

Pakistan transport unions defend Karachi Dock Labour Board, protecting 2,700 dockers’ jobs – but brace for struggle to continue. Dockers mobilising in Pakistan have saved the Karachi Dock Labour Board (KDLB) – and with it, the jobs, decent wages and conditions it guarantees for 2,700 dock workers in the port city.


Heat death warning

Extreme heat caused the death of a seafarer during an incident in Qatar last year. As heat waves become more common, seafarers should arm themselves with information on how to treat those seriously affected by high temperatures, writes Andrew Linington.


Seafarers in the Spotlight as MASPAN-AMANO Summit Tackles Stowaways, Smuggling Risks

Seafarers are increasingly bearing the brunt of the growing challenges posed by drug smuggling and stowaways on ships navigating Nigerian waters. … “Ships have been detained for several months while their crew were placed on trial and forced to remain without seeing their families for years in cases of drug smuggling,” Maiguwa stated, emphasizing the toll this takes on the personal and professional lives of seafarers.


Empowering Seafarers in the Era of Maritime Decarbonization

The maritime sector acts as a lifeline of the world economy in terms of trade and transportation. In recent years, digitisation, automation, and IOT have made considerable changes to improve efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness.


Shipping Industry Faces Tough Choices Under New FuelEU Maritime Regulations

As the implementation of the FuelEU Maritime regulation approaches, shipping companies are grappling with the challenge of meeting stringent carbon intensity reduction targets or facing escalating penalties.


Slavery at Sea

A three-year investigation by Disclosure uncovers allegations of modern slavery aboard UK fishing vessels.


Invisible Souls

Fishermen from the Philippines, Ghana and Sri Lanka speak out for the first time about how badly, they say, they were treated by a Scottish fishing company.

BBC Radio 4 – File on 4, Invisible Souls


Charities condemn ‘abuse and exploitation’ amid Scottish fish firm ‘modern slavery’ investigation

Amaritime charity has condemned alleged “abuse and exploitation” after a three year-long investigation by the BBC found that foreign nationals working for a Scottish fishing firm have been recognised by the Home Office as victims of modern slavery.


Scottish fishing firm workers recognised as victims of modern slavery

A BBC investigation has revealed allegations of mistreatment and abuse of migrant workers by TN Trawlers. Foreigners working for a Scottish fishing company have been officially recognised as victims of modern slavery.


CMA CGM vessel loses 99 containers in South African storm

Adverse weather conditions impacting South Africa this past week have led to yet another large container vessel losing as many as 99 containers off the east coast of South Africa, according to the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA).


Empowering women in maritime: Why mentoring can be a key solution

Celebrating the International Day for Women in Maritime, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) hosted a symposium where experts discussed how incorporating women’s viewpoints can shape the future of maritime safety. Central to this discussion was the critical role of mentorship and training in elevating women’s profiles and ensuring their success in this challenging field.


New report reveals insights into the performance and safety of dry bulk vessels

RightShip has released a comprehensive report that presents significant findings on the performance and safety of dry bulk vessels. Analysing data from over 5,000 incidents and 3,400 vessel detentions between 2021 and 2024, the report reveals how regular inspections can play a pivotal role in reducing risks and improving operational standards.


Priorities for the salvage industry

It is almost impossible to see a piece of corporate writing relating to any industry today without a reference to ESG. Indeed it is now such a commonplace that it no longer needs spelling out in parenthesis. And of course shipping is no different.