What has the ETF been up to?

May Day | May 1st is a powerful reminder of workers’ ability to resist austerity and far-right anti-union movements.

  • In different campaigns and highlights, ETF encouraged transport workers to vote in the upcoming EU Elections to ensure pro-worker policies.
  • On May Day, transport workers across sectors urge the EU for effective implementation and enforcement of the mobility package. It calls for active transposition and enforcement of the Platform Directive in all member states.
  • The ETF joined Gewerkschaft vida and ver.di members in Vienna, where thousands demanded a Fair and Social Europe.
  • The story of Senegalese sailor Seydi Samba, who won a court case against his exploitative employer with union support, was shared to highlight the crucial role of TUs in protecting workers.

Planning meeting with ELA | The ETF met with the leadership of the European Labour Authority in Bratislava for an exchange on transport sectors.
EU Elections Social Media Campaign | In light of the EU elections, the ETF started a social media campaign at the beginning of May, targeted at not only sharing the manifesto but also urging people to vote. Therefore, posts on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn were published almost daily, highlighting the workers’ demands and needs.

  • The emphasis was placed on the urgency of using one’s voice at the EU elections in light of the rise of the far-right, which often acted against workers’ interests once in power. Therefore, one of the main slogans of the campaign was “Don’t lose your rights!”.
  • After an introductory post focused on the ETF’s manifesto, all six topics of said manifesto were highlighted separately to enhance the visibility of all of our demands.
  • The following posts leading up to the EU elections included quotes from the manifesto and once again highlighted the importance of voting.

Joint statement on the revision of the EWC Directive | The European Commission had proposed a revision of the European Works Council (EWC) Directive, supported by the European Parliament. European employers’ organisations have expressed opposition, demonstrating a lack of understanding and support for evidence-based policymaking. As a response, a joint statement from EU Trade unions was issued and published, highlighting different current issues with EWC and other legislation.

  • Employers’ organisations mistakenly claim the proposal would turn EWCs into co-decision-making bodies, but it only provides consultation rights.
  • Current penalties for violating the directive are insufficient. Proposed penalties include fines and non-financial sanctions, such as injunctions, to ensure proper consultation.
  • Proper EWC involvement in decision-making improves job security and competitiveness.
  • The statement demands objective criteria for confidentiality, ensuring effective consultation and preventing management’s arbitrary use of confidentiality.
  • Trade unions remain legitimate representatives of workers’ interests, essential for effective EWCs.
  • The Council should ensure EWCs have enforceable rights and sufficient resources.
  • The revision aims to strengthen EWCs, ensuring better representation and consultation for workers across Europe.

#8May  | On the 79th anniversary of the end of the Nazi regime, we urged action for the future of the EU. EU policies exacerbating worker exploitation and political alienation demand attention, emphasising the need for May 8th to become a Europe-wide public holiday, symbolising opposition to far-right authoritarianism while empowering workers.
ETF Affiliate Meeting in Italy  | Livia Spera, General Secretary of the ETF, met with the International Coordination Committee of Fit-Cisl Nazionale, and exchanged also with other affiliates at the General Council of Uiltrasporti Nazionale and at the General Assembly of Filt Cgil Nazionale, to discuss international solidarity.
Joint Statements on LGTBI+ Rights and Safety | The European Trade Union Federations and ETUC issued a joint statement in commemoration of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) on May 17.

  • The fundamental nature of LGBTI+ rights as human and trade union rights is emphasised, highlighting past progress while condemning recent setbacks due to right-wing and populist movements.
  • The statement calls for protection and promotion of LGBTI+ rights in electoral campaigns, workplace safety measures, and the defence of these rights in EU external policies.
  • Additionally, it stresses the importance of safeguarding transgender workers’ rights and combating workplace-related violence and harassment targeting LGBTI+ individuals.

Meeting with DG Move | The ETF met with Director General for Mobility and Transport Magda Kopczynska, as part of the regular exchange with the European Commission, to discuss the inclusion of transport in the EU’s industrial policy, and critical issues affecting the road, rail and maritime sectors.
Conference on Automation in Transport | On June 6th, Livia Spera, ETF’s General Secretary, attended a conference on Automation in Transport organised by the BE Presidency of the European Union.

ETF Executive Committee | On June 4th and 5th, the ETF Executive Committee met in Brussels. The meeting included discussions with Magda Kopczynska (Director-General of DG MOVE at the Commission), Steve Cotton (General Secretary of the ITF) and Esther Lynch (General Secretary of the ETUC).  Reports from General Secretary Livia Spera and members of the ETF secretariat presented the success of the ETF in the past year in terms of securing agreements with employers’ organisations, affiliating new unions to the ETF, and concrete legislative wins. The Executive Committee also approved four resolutions:

Statement on the European Elections | Following the European Elections held from the 6th to the 9th of June, which saw a significant increase in support for far-right parties, the ETF released a statement calling for concrete actions to make the Just Transition a reality. So far, the price of the environmental transition has fallen largely on the shoulders of working people, with many feeling abandoned and attracted to far-right rhetoric. For this reason, the ETF calls on the next Commission and Parliament to include the following in their political agenda:

  • An ambitious just transition plan focused on working people to ensure the creation of attractive jobs with fair pay and improved working conditions
  • Enhanced and well-resourced public services that meet the needs of all citizens, namely in public transport, healthcare, and education
  • A European industrial policy that recognises the strategic role of transport and allows financing infrastructures, funding mass public transport, and supporting European companies that are exposed to global competition, linking such support to social conditionalities.

Joint Conference on Austerity and Public Services | On June 24, one day after the UN Public Services Day, ETF, along with EPSU and ETUCE, organised a joint event titled “Austerity: What Lessons Learned for Public Services”. Speakers, including ETF General Secretary Livia Spera, highlighted how previous austerity policies have driven public services, which are vital for social inclusion and the fight against inequality, to the brink of collapse. Further austerity policies, driven by the EU’s new Economic Governance rules, are likely to exacerbate the situation. The three Federations released a statement calling for greater investment in public services and an end to privatisation.
Extraordinary Executive Committee | ETF held an extraordinary Executive Committee on the 4th of July to discuss the results of the European Elections and the next steps of the trade union movement.

In solidarity:

  • ETF continues to stand in solidarity with Finnish workers in a historic stand against government cuts and breaches of their rights to strike and demonstrate.
    • Trade unionists from across Europe are standing in solidarity with workers in Finland whose labour rights are under attack. 128 transport unions worldwide have co-signed ITF’s and ETF’s open letter to Finland’s Prime Minister Petteri Orpo in opposition to his government’s dangerous and radical moves to undermine the voice of Finnish workers.

Upcoming Events:

  • Limit Subcontracting Action: On September 17th, ETF, EFBWW and EFFAT, three European Trade Union Federations, will organise a joint action in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. We will have a gathering outside the Parliament from 2pm to 4pmfollowed by an event from 5pm to 6:30pm inside the building, hosted by friendly MEPs.


Aviation – Updates May – Draft
International Cabin Crew Day | On May 31st we celebrated International Cabin Crew Day and thanked the cabin crew staff for their dedication, professionalism, and hard work.

  • The ETF on that day joined ITF‘s Global Cabin Crew event in Amsterdam. It is essential to recognise cabin crew as Safety Professionals, ensuring the safety of everyone on board.

Commission approves Lufthansa’s stake in ITA Airways | The ETF welcomed the European Commission’s decision to allow Lufthansa to acquire ITA Airways. Together with our German and Italian affiliates, ETF has been providing evidence to the EU executive to show that the merger is crucial for securing ITA’s long-term future and ensuring job stability for its employees. ETF is monitoring the process with its affiliates to ensure that jobs and working conditions are maintained.

In solidarity:
Union wins:

  • After lengthy negotiations and strikes supported by the ETF, vida successfully concluded with a win for Austrian Airlines aircrew.
  • Organised under Unite the union, DHL Aviation workers at East Midlands Airport have secured significant pay rises after previously facing cuts. ETF and affiliates have shown their solidarity with the workers during their strike and negotiations.
  • The ETF stands in solidarity with Hungarian air traffic controllers, who are facing poor working conditions and salaries. Their employer, HungaroControl, along with the Hungarian government, is refusing to engage with unions to, leading to a massive labour shortage and severe flight delays.


International Day for Women in Maritime | The ETF stood in solidarity with all women in maritime on May 18th. A safe, inclusive environment is essential to attracting more women to seafaring, currently making up only 2% of the maritime workforce. Key steps include promoting collective bargaining, supporting lifelong learning, improving work-life balance, better sanitation on board, flexible maternity policies, and closing the gender pay gap.

Seafarers Day 2024 | ETF celebrated Seafarers Day 2024 (June 25th), calling for fair, safe, and secure workplaces for the hardworking seafarers who keep our world moving.

Red Sea | ETF condemned a new attack on seafarers in the Red Sea, this time on the M/V “Tutor.” Seafarers’ safety is the utmost priority, and it’s unacceptable for their lives to be exposed to any kind of risk.

Crew Welfare Week | As part of Crew Welfare Week 2024, ETF Senior Policy Officer for Maritime Transport Nikolaos Koletsis was invited to discuss rest and fatigue issues in the sector, alongside other stakeholders such as employers, OSH professionals, and regulators.


ITF Dockers’ Section Meeting | On May 16th, ETF Policy Officer for Dockers Bera Tommasi presented the Regional Report from Europe during the ITF Dockers’ section meeting. The report highlighted outcomes from the recent section meeting in Cyprus and ongoing activity, focusing on key issues such as safety on board, port automation, and the green transition. Only with strong unions and workers’ engagement can these challenges be addressed.
Turkey | On May 8th, ETF, along with ITF, shared a message of solidarity with the dockworkers of the port of Gemlik Borusan in Turkey, calling out Borusan Group’s CEO to immediately stop the union-busting actions against the workers organised by Liman-Is trade union.

Poland | ETF Dockers and ITF Dockers’ Section met our members from NSZZ Solidarność to visit the Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie and exchange views with the management.

In Solidarity |

  • With the dockers from Bremen, Bremerhaven, Brake, Emden and Hamburg on warning strikes for wage increase. Our German dockers keep showing their strength and commitment to their legitimate demands on wages in the ongoing Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiations.
  • with Borusan Port workers in Turkey and ETF affiliate Liman-İş Sendikası. They are courageously fighting for their rights in the face of unjust dismissals, targeting those who join the union to advocate for fair treatment and collective bargaining.
  • Italian dockers and their unions called two 48-hour strikes in response to unsatisfactory offers from employers regarding the renewal of their collective agreement. The unions stress the need for an agreement that allows workers to recover lost purchasing power and improve working conditions.

Why Unions Matter | In light of May Day 2024, the ETF reflected on the importance of trade unions. In 2016, Italian fishing employer Andrea Caroti forced Seydi Samba, a Senegalese sailor, to jump overboard to avoid a Coast Guard inspection. With union support, Samba went to court and won. Caroti was sentenced to prison and ordered to compensate Samba. This victory highlights the crucial role of unions in protecting workers’ rights.

The ETF met with DG MARE to discuss the upcoming evaluation of the Common Fisheries Policy. We will closely monitor the process to ensure the social dimension is adequately considered.
On June 26, a meeting of the Joint Project Pillars of the Sea 3 was held, and all deliverables were finalised. These include:

  • Guidelines for doctors certifying fishers
  • Guidelines for employing migrant fishers
  • A mapping exercise of existing legislation to ban fish products produced with forced labour
  • An upgrade of the FisherySpeak application for smartphones

The final dissemination conference is planned for Autumn (date to be confirmed).

Social Dialogue | The Social Dialogue meeting on June 27 addressed various ongoing activities with DG MARE, including training for fishers, the forecast exercise “Fishers of the Future,” and the Commission’s work on the collection of fisheries social indicators. Additionally, a presentation on an upcoming global study on labour conditions in fisheries confirmed the ETF’s concerns about working conditions and remuneration for fishers worldwide.


Interview with Giorgio Tuti: “Europe Needs to Invest In Its Railway System” | Switzerland’s ongoing negotiations with the EU have raised concerns among trade unions, particularly regarding the market opening for international rail passenger transport. SEV, the Swiss transport workers’ union, is vocal in demanding protection for wages and the current cooperation model in railways.
Giorgio Tuti, former SEV president and current ETF rail section president, sheds light on the situation, addressing criticisms and outlining key challenges for the sector in both Switzerland and the rest of Europe in this exclusive interview.

ETF Rail Sustainability Roundtable | On May 22nd, the ETF held a roundtable discussion on “A Sustainable Future for Europe’s Railways”. The discussion was joined by Minister of Mobility and Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, Georges Gilkinet, who agreed that ​​” railways are not a market, but a service” that should be cherished and invested in. Also part of the panel were Eimantas Alminas, Project Officer at the European Transport Safety Council and Pablo Muñoz Nieto, Transport coordinator at Ecologistas en Acción. The ETSC representative focused on the cross-border use of mega trucks and their impact on rail freight transport. Pablo gave an overview of the EeA’s campaigns to promote local public transport in Spain.

The ETF railway section onboard personnel advisory group met in Brussels on 23 May to discuss workplace violence, among other things. Restructuring of rail companies resulted in job cuts and left more and more frontline railway workers exposed to 3rd party violence. The advisory group, together with ETF urban public transport unions and with EPSU, the European trade union organisation leading the EU negotiations on guidelines on third-party violence, discussed ways to address this growing phenomenon.

In solidarity |


  • with Polish railway workers in PKP cargo and their union Solidarnosc, who are facing cuts to 30% of the workforce, especially targeting trade union members. Following years of mismanagement by the previous board, workers are being made to pay for the mistakes of others. The ETF stands in solidarity with the workers, who also organised a protest in Warsaw on June 19, and calls upon PKP management and the Polish government to meet with workers’ representatives to come to an equitable solution.

Stefan Thyroke on third country drivers | The road transport sector, crucial for the economy, conceals a troubling reality of exploitation, precarity, human rights abuses, and unfair competition. The latest exploitation wave targets third-country nationals—drivers recruited from non-European countries under questionable arrangements and precarious conditions.
In an opinion article, Stefan Thyroke, ETF Chair of the Road Transport Section, discusses the emerging trend of social dumping in road transport, emphasising the need to address the exploitation of third-country drivers. Read the full text here.

Alarming Rate of Violations in Road Transport Sector | The ETF, BTB ABVV, CSC-Transcom ACV-Transcom, ACVOpenbaar & RTDD Foundation joined an inspection near the port of Antwerp conducted on May 21st, by Belgian police and inspection services.Out of 202 vehicles inspected, numerous violations were identified:

  • Ban on rest in the vehicle: 135 violations
  • Mandatory return of truck: 70 violations
  • Driver’s mandatory return home: 35 violations

The ETF calls for more frequent and targeted inspections to ensure compliance with legislation in road transport. Read more about the inspection and violations here.

Day Against Driver Fatigue | ETF marked June 21st as the Day Against Driver Fatigue. Driver fatigue is a consequence of poor working conditions and leads to more dangerous roads for everyone. ETF calls for better enforcement of driving and rest times, predictable working schedules, and good rest facilities to ensure good working conditions and safer roads.


Roundtable on PSO | As part of the annual meeting of the ETF Urban Public Transport Committee, the Secretariat organised a round table on the Public Service Obligation, an EU regulation that forces the tendering of public service in passenger transport. The European Commission was part of the panel and represented by MOVE A Director Mona Bjorklund. Trade union representatives from across Europe had the opportunity to express doubts, backed by facts and figures, on the EC’s persistent market-opening strategies in public transport.


Conclusion of TeamHub Project | ETF participated in the final conference of the TeamHub project, which took place on June 20th at the CGIL national head office. The project analysed the trends and challenges in the e-commerce and logistics supply chain in nine European countries, with the project’s final report highlighting the poor working conditions and structural precariousness in the sector. Policy recommendations were also included and addressed to national and European policymakers and trade unions. These recommendations were designed to encourage sustainable business models and industrial relations.

In solidarity:

  • We expressed our solidarity and support to Unite the union members of Morrisons in Cheshire and Wakefield. Approximately one thousand warehouse staff were on strike to address changes to their pensions and working conditions imposed by the company.


International Day for Women in Maritime | On May 18th, the ETF stood in solidarity with all women in maritime. A safe, inclusive environment is essential to attracting more women to seafaring, currently making up only 2% of the maritime workforce. Key steps include promoting collective bargaining, supporting lifelong learning, improving work-life balance, better sanitation on board, flexible maternity policies, and closing the gender pay gap.

Steering Committee Meeting and Workshop | The Women SC met on May 22/23 in Stockholm, having also organised a Workshop on Digital Transformation and AI. The workshop addressed the impact of digital transformation and the green transition on women’s employment in the transport sector. Discussions revealed significant gender disparities, with women often relegated to lower-paying, less visible roles and facing barriers to upskilling. Automation and digitalisation present both opportunities and threats, potentially improving working conditions but also exacerbating privacy concerns and job stress. The green transition may further entrench gender pay gaps unless proactive measures are taken. Emphasis was placed on the need for public investment in gender-sensitive infrastructure and comprehensive, just transition frameworks to ensure equitable benefits across genders in the evolving transport industry.


Train of Remembrance I 10th – 13th of May, ETF and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU Office (FES Europa) collaborated on the “Train of Remembrance,” a profound 3-day educational initiative. This journey aimed to empower young trade unionists by examining the devastating impact of the far-right Nazi regime, emphasising the slogan “Never again, nowhere.”

  • Beginning with a conference on union strategies against extremism, Participants engaged in discussions on historical context and the necessity for organised resistance to safeguard democracy and human rights.
  • The journey continued with a tour tracing history and resilience, including a visit to Auschwitz, leaving a lasting impact on participants, reinforcing the imperative for unity in resisting the growing threat of far-right ideology across Europe.
  • It concluded with a renewed commitment to resist far-right ideologies and uphold democratic values. Through education, reflection, and solidarity, the journey underscored the timeless relevance of the slogan “Never again, nowhere” in the ongoing fight against oppression and injustice.

ETF’s Céline Ruffié elected President of the ETUC Youth Committee I Céline Ruffie, the co-chair of the ETF youth committee, was elected the President of the ETUC Youth Committee on June 27th after being nominated by the ETF. Her priorities for the mandate are the fight against precarious working conditions and the housing crisis, both key issues for young European workers.

Upcoming events:

  • August 12 – International Youth Day – online auction
  • September 9-10 – Youth Steering Committee – Paris