CALL FOR SOLIDARITY – German dockers
Dear Colleagues,
CALL FOR SOLIDARITY – German dockers
Update: Bremerhaven Warning Strikes on Tuesday and Wednesday
Ver.di is mobilizing workers in Bremerhaven for full-shift warning strikes starting today, Tuesday July 9, during the second shift, and concluding on Wednesday, July 10, after the first shift.
This action is aimed at increasing pressure on employers before the fourth round of negotiations. Additionally, the workers at the Port of Hamburg are also called to join the warning strikes on these dates.
Wage negotiations between Ver.di and the Central Association of German Seaport Operators (ZDS) are set to resume in Bremen on July 11-12.
The employers’ offer is considered unacceptable by the union: no progress in the wage increase proposals. The warning strikes are meant to clearly signal the seriousness of the employees’ demands.
Ver.di is demanding a three-euro hourly wage increase effective June 1, 2024, along with corresponding increases in shift bonuses, addressing the lack of an increase in the 2022 agreement, with a proposed twelve-month contract term.
For the union it is crucial that the lower wage groups receive financial relief from these increases, as the recent years’ inflation has hit them hardest. Wage disparities between different groups need to be reduced, and there must be real wage growth for the higher wage groups as well.
This is not the only case in Europe at the moment. As you are already aware, in Italy, after over six months of negotiations, union demands for purchasing power recovery and regulatory adjustments remain unaddressed. The unions asked for an 18% wage increase, but the employers’ proposals are still very far from the demands of the dockers.
Consequently, last week, the three Italian unions called for a new 48-hour strike at all national ports, after the strike actions organized in April.
In light of the above, we ask you to join us and stand in solidarity with our German port workers during this critical time. Their struggle is our collective concern, and by supporting their cause, we reaffirm our commitment to justice, fairness, and the dignity of labour.
Attached you will find a leaflet that you can use for solidarity actions and social media:
1) download and print the leaflet
2) take pictures or short videos expressing solidarity
3) send them to us
Please inform us of the actions that your union will take and send us pictures at and
We count on your support!
In solidarity,
Berardina Tommasi,
Policy Officer for Dockers