iTF News Update
Death-trap trawler crew must be paid and allowed to go home, ITF says
Fishers on a 50-year-old trawler should not be made to go back to sea, even to sail to a repair yard, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is demanding of a vessel which has been so poorly maintained it has become death trap. The fishing vessel Santa Isabel (IMO 7224540), flying under the Belize flag, has been detained by maritime authorities in the port of Vigo in northern Spain since 10 May 2023, after the ITF drew attention to its appalling state, as well as the intolerable conditions for crew observed by the ITF inspector.
Nine-month ordeal ends for Indian sailors detained in Nigeria
In Kerala, it has been the end of harrowing wait for the families of three of the men, who were among those detained in the ship [Heroic Idun] since August last year. A nine-month ordeal of 16 Indian seafarers, detained in Equatorial Guinea and later in Nigeria, is over after the Nigerian navy released their ship on Sunday.
Fighting for female representation
Improving gender equality has been a low priority for too many global ports and while a few stand out for exceptional progress in diversity, the majority have a long road to travel.
UK: Women At Sea: What You Don’t See (Video)
Nina Varumo is a freelance portrait and documentary photographer based in Stockholm. A recent project of hers Kvinnor till sjöss (‘Women at sea’) is an ongoing photo series highlighting the working life of female seafarers in order to change the stereotypical image of what and who is a seafarer.
Accidents, diseases and health complaints among seafarers on German-flagged container ships
For seafarers on the high seas health hazards are various and due to the setting also specific. The spectrum of job-related health impairments and accidents is mainly influenced by the maritime characteristics. The aim of this study is to assess the kind of accidents and the frequency of diseases and health complaints among seafarers on German container ships by evaluating medical log books.
Lack of papers risk locking Kenyan seafarers out of jobs
Brazil has banned Kenyans from getting into their country; UK and EU countries issued mid June deadline. The International Labour Organisation Conventions: Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention, 1958 (C108), which was revised in 2003 (C185), requires that all seafarers have a special identity document known as Seafarers Identification Document.
Challenges facing shipping’s ‘green transition’ and the training of seafarers
A COUPLE of weeks ago, the Philippines’ Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) hosted a conference aimed at showcasing “the steady progress by key seafarer home nations in Asia, such as the Philippines and Indonesia, to equip their maritime workers with the skill sets needed to deliver a low and zero-carbon maritime sector”.
Women in maritime mark their day
LAST May 18, the International Day for Women in Maritime was celebrated for the second time. IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim marked the occasion by underscoring the role that women play in maritime, particularly at this time when the industry is moving toward a decarbonized, digitalized, and more sustainable future.
Growing ‘shadow’ tanker fleet poses safety and environment danger: report
The growth of the shadow tanker fleet, estimated at almost 600 vessels, is likely to pose safety and environmental concerns, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE (AGCS) said in its Safety & Shipping Review 2023.
Shipping can be greener, safer and more efficient if technological change is worker-led
Seafarers see the prospect of autonomous ships as an opportunity to solve a number of problems in commercial shipping but warn that crew expertise is central to decision-making in a time of technological change, and to make change effective companies and governments need to ensure the technology is transparent and reliable.
Shortage of ships affecting maritime sector, say seafarers
The dearth of ships in the country is affecting the maritime sector, seafarers have stated. They stated this at the recent graduation of 87 students on free basic mandatory cadet training organised by the Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research in collaboration with the Alumni Association of the Federal College of Fisheries and Marine Technology in Lagos.
Seafarers take centre stage at upcoming summit in Manila
Employers (IMEC), shipowners (ICS) and unions (ITF) unite to bring a seafarer summit in Manila on 26 June 2023 following the Day of the Seafarer. The summit aims to highlight the elements required for a successful transformation of seafarers’ roles to meet the needs of shipping in the future.
Questions and Answers on Maritime safety: new proposals to support clean and modern shipping
What is the aim of the Directive on flag state requirements? Flag States (the State which registers the ship and under whose law it operates) are the keystone for ensuring maritime safety. Each flag State must take all necessary measures to attest to the ship’s safety and compliance with international rules and regulations, including IMO rules.
How can workers get a ‘just transition’ amid the climate crisis?
Labour unions worldwide have for decades been on the frontline of efforts to restore, protect and improve worker rights. But as the global climate crisis intensifies, they are demanding a worker-friendly green future.
Crucial updates to the Guidelines on the Application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention for the industry
The shipping industry is being urged to take notice of the latest amendments to the International Labour Organization (ILO) Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) detailed in a new publication update from the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), to ensure they comply and can operate and trade globally with their vessels.
Fear of catastrophic shipping accidents rises despite safety gains
Ship losses hit record low in 2022 but ‘things could turn quickly’. The Pablo, a 26-year-old tanker engaged in the sanctioned “shadow” crude trades, exploded off the coast of Malaysia in early May, killing three crew. There are a lot of ships out there like the Pablo. Older tankers that would normally be scrapped are now earning top dollar carrying crude and diesel for Russia.