The Port of Hamburg will not be sold

The Port of Hamburg will not be sold

COSCO Shipping Port Limited does not gain access to the Port of Hamburg or HHLA. The transaction only affects a minority interest of less than 25 percent in the HHLA operating subsidiary Container Terminal Tollerort GmbH.

HHLA retains sole control

HHLA retains sole control over all major decisions. With the entry of COSCO, the container terminal in Tollerort will become a preferred hub for Asian traffic. However, COSCO has no exclusivity rights there – the terminal remains open for container volumes from all customers.

No access to strategic know-how

COSCO gains no access to strategic know-how. The port infrastructure remains the property of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. IT and sales data remain solely at HHLA’s responsibility. German law continues to apply in all matters.

No dependencies

The cooperation between HHLA and COSCO does not create any one-sided dependencies. On the contrary: it strengthens supply chains, secures jobs and enables value creation in Germany.