ITF News Update – 13th to 19th August

Why the global supply chain is hanging by a slender thread Lloyd’s List – 13th August

Does the fate of container shipping lie in the health of one man?

With global supply chains stretched to breaking point any further disruption could be critical. A widespread closure at Ningbo would be enough to bring the system to its knees


Vessel attack reported off Somalia | Lloyd’s List – 13th August

The vessel’s identity was not disclosed. Security analysts said too little was known to speculate on a return of Somali piracy, with no attacks since 2019

A vessel was reported attacked 100 nautical miles northeast of Mogadishu. Four attackers in a skiff exchanged gunfire with its armed guards before turning back toward the coast an hour later


Carnival Vista Arrives in Belize with 27 Cases of COVID-19, Mostly Among Crew | G Captain – 13thAugust

A Carnival Cruise Line ship arrived in Belize this week reporting 27 cases of COVID-19, almost all among vaccinated crew members, Belize officials have said.


Ships violating IMO 2020 to face penalties in Sierra Leone | Offshore Energy – 13th August

Ships calling to ports in Sierra Leone could face serious fines if found in violation of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 2020 measures. From 1 September 2021, ship owners and operators risk penalties of up to $15,000 should they continue to carry fuel with a sulphur content exceeding 0.5%, according to the Sierra Leone Ports Authority (NCP).


3,000 seafarers to get jabs in Las Piñas | Phil Star – 16th August

MANILA, Philippines — At least 3,000 Filipino seafarers will be inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines this week at the Villar Tent, Vista Global South in LasPiñas, which according to Sen. Cynthia Villar is the government’s preferred inoculation site for overseas workers.


Covid-19 jabs to seafarers at no charge International Harbour Masters Association – 16thAugust

Crew services specialist Boers ( ) has launched seafarer vaccination programmes at German and Belgian ports, as shipping executives warn of onboard Covid-19 outbreaks as it is reported that seafarers are not getting vaccines quick enough.


Shipping Industry Agrees to Reduce Size of Indian Ocean ‘High Risk Area’ for Piracy | G Captain – 16thAugust

With a continued downward trend in Somali piracy incidents, a group of the leading shipping organizations have agreed to reduce the geographic boundaries of the ‘High Risk Area’ in the Indian Ocean.


The Black Sea Oil Spill Is Worse Than Originally Thought | Oil Price – 16th August

Last weekend, a Greek-flagged oil tanker leaked oil into the Black Sea off the coast of Russia. Initially, officials reported that the spill was much smaller than it actually is, either erroneously or deceitfully claiming that the spill was quickly contained and that it posed no threat at all to either humans or wildlife. In reality, the spill has spread to an area approaching 80 square kilometres in size and has stretched into the open sea.


Filipino crew died allegedly from covid Maritime Bulletin – 17th August

Bulk carrier SEABISCUIT arrived at MacapaAnchorage, Amazonia, Brazil, on Aug 16, from Sri Lanka via Cape Town. Reportedly, 1 crew of Filipino nationality, died, allegedly “from covid”. Another one was tested positive, the rest of the crew were also tested, results soon to be known. The ship is put “under quarantine”. The ship called Cape Town most probably, for a crew change, so some crew or all of them, were undoubtedly, vaccinated, someplace, prior to crew change.


COVID Relief Fund for Seafarers Hits $1 Million Goal G Captain – 17th August

After only a few months of fundraising, the Seafarers International Relief Fund (SIRF) has reached its goal of raising $1 million to provide vital relief for seafarers and their families affected by COVID-19.


Zambales gets share of Moderna vaccine for seafarers | Inquirer – 18th August

SAN ANTONIO, Zambales––The provincial government received on Tuesday at least 22 doses of COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by American firmModerna and allotted for seafarers.


San Marino sets up business as a ship registry despite being landlocked | ITF Seafarers – 19thAugust

Tiny, landlocked San Marino on the Italian peninsula has no clear maritime connections, which are usually the basis for a country setting up a flag registry. Furthermore, ITF investigations using global shipping data could not identify any shipowners from San Marino who have registered vessels with other countries’ flags.


West of England P&I paid abandoned crew on Iran-linked blacklisted tanker Lloyd’s List – 19th August

Club made payment despite removing cover in February. Liberia this week deflagged the tanker, which has been at anchor off Sohar since January without class or insurance


Planned two-week Panama Canal maintenance to severely impact transit capacity: ACP | S&P Global – 19th August

Planned maintenance at the Panama Canal’s Miraflores Locks from Aug. 29 to Sept. 10 could severely impact canal capacity and extend transit delays for “days, if not weeks after completion,” the Panama Canal Authority has said.