About us
There is only one trade union representing workers across the maritime industry, in Estonia – Estonian Seamen’s Independent Union.

We represent individual complaints of all members, but collectively, we negotiate on behalf of all workers in the following companies:
EMSA negotiates collective bargaining agreement
– minimum level of wages and salaries, working conditions will be negotiated and agreed collectively, for all workers. Employer has no right to change these conditions, unilaterally. Annual wage raise has been and will be much higher from the trade union membership fees. In unity there is power to enhance conditions for all!
Trade union offers high quality legal consult and representation, no charges
– Our experience and knowhow provides members with valuable advice and legal representation in work-related matters. When required, we try to offer consultation in other legal disputes, too. Members will not stand alone in trouble.
We participate in development of economic and social policy
EMSA offers expertise and consultation about the proposed regulation with impact on our membership. We seek partnership with other community organisations to extend our influence. In Estonia, in Europe and in the world.
We have network of shopstewards, working for members interests
– enforcing the legal rights and benefits of collective agreements begins in cooperation of union member and their union shopsteward. Know your rights, inform us about your questions and possible violations of your rights. Working together, we will help to find a solution, that works for you.
EMSA organises training and learning opportunities
There is power in knowledge! Labour law, employment contract, collective bargaining agreements and wage raise, dealing with stress, skills of persuation and negotiating – these are a few examples of opportunities to expand your knowledge. Smart workers lead to smarter decisions at workplace.
We support you at the time of hardship
– There are multiple financial support measures available for members, who have lost their job, suffer in ill health, accident or other unforeseen troubles. But also when struggling with payment for funeral cost of departed loved ones (parent, spouse), on happy but costly occasion of child birth. We help members to shoulder the cost of a summer camp for their children to find new friends and spend healthy and educational time with lots of fresh air, every summer.
We support spending quality time together with work teams of members that promotes health and wellbeing
– We have set aside finances for events and activities, that enhance the team spirit, physical and mental health and wellbeing of workers. Come up with your idea and let’s make it happen, together!
Information, not gossip!
– via our website, Facebook page and groups, our newsletter we publish information, what is going on, in EMSA. What cases have we resolved, which negotiations take place, what agreements have we entered, what are our position in topics with keen interest by our members and workers, in general. You have opportunity to give us feedback on achievements, leaders, and yes – possible mistakes, too. We welcome your questions and constructive dialogue in different forums.
We promote maritime culture
We sponsor Maritime Camp of Laoküla, maritime news magazine “Meremees”. We cooperate and participate in discussions and initiatives that promote Estonian maritime culture and traditions.
We promote solidarity and leave nobody behind
We participate in international campaigns fighting for human rights and freedoms, predominantly standing together with other workers, worldwide.
EMSA representatives participates in
- Development of maritime policy and programme of Estonia (lead by Ministry of Economy and Communication)
- The European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees of Maritime Transport and Ports
- The Fair Practice Committee (FPC) of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
- The Maritime Transport Section Steering Committee and the EU Committee of the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF)